Monday, December 16, 2013

Merry Christmas! Somehow.

I guess I'll start out with some spiritual goodness since it is Christmas time. My companion’s mom sent us a two books, and everyday we read one story from it during companion study to invite and learn some more good stuff about the Christmas spirit. Christmas has always been my favorite holiday because theres snow, it's cold, the presents are always a plus and I get to spend one big happy week with all of my family, then go over to grannies some years and have a big paper ball fight after presents. But as we read these stories, and after I realized I wouldn’t have any of that this year I saw that just because I'm in Africa where it's super hot, doesn’t mean that the Christmas spirit cant still be here. So this week my companion and I looked at the things that we could give and to help people with. There is an old crippled  member who has trouble walking. So for Christmas we fixed his wheelchair!!! He used it to come to church this week and he was super happy! We’ve also been visiting him every day this week to keep him company. (The wheelchair broke… we’ll fix it again.)
While on splits last week it rained and my companion was at an investigators home, when the rain came, they had to put buckets EVERYWHERE to catch the rain because of the leaks! (They live in a little 10x10 house). So we payed a carpenter to fix the roof and he did a great job. It even rained again and there was no leak!
Christmas is really all about giving. Ways we can invite the Christmas spirit is by giving things to other people, like dropping something at the porch and running away!!! And singing.. But I'm not a good singer. I love all of you so very much and wanna wish you a merry Christmas!!
We had splits last week which were super fun! We were in a threesome for a night and half a day. We had scones about the size of my head.. whoops. That same night after splits we got hungry. In our attempt to get a snack we got frustrated with all the ice in the freezer! So we cleaned it out, had some frost stuff and built a snowman about a foot tall! Whoo! We took a picture with it next to  our 4 dolar Christmas tree that we bought! Frosty melted in about 3 minutes… Ya, it's hot here.
We had a baptism this Sunday for Rose and her daughter Sarah! It was so wonderful! The font water… lets just say I couldn’t see my feet. But the spirit was strong and I was super pumped afterwards!
The Christmas devoitional was sweet! My zone rocked the talent show! That’s whats up.
I love you all tons!
Sending you some Christmas love all the way from Africa!
Love Elder Darren Hodges

Here is Darren and Elder Larsen's Thanksgiving chicken masterpiece.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Pictures! December 2 & 9

We were thrilled to receive some pictures from Sister Shulz at Thanksgiving time.  Up to this time we had only received one picture from Darren since he arrived in Africa.  (His camera was stollen and he is still waiting for the replacement.) So to date, we have received 6 pictures from Sister Shulz and 1 from Darren.  Lol.

Elder Hodges showing President Shulz his oven. 

Eating ice cream right out of the container.

The Thanksgiving Feast that the Elders prepared in the Nkafoa District. Their guests included President and Sister Shulz.

This is Elder Hodges and he is showing his AWESOME oven.  The missionaries don’t have ovens so his very smart father had him bring this oven along when he came.  I think all missionaries are envious of him! (The caption for this picture was taken from Sister Shulz blog.)

El Pollo de Loco
December 2, 2013

On a spiritual note, Pres. Shulz reminded me to share spiritual experiences and all that garbage when I write home. Well, this week I actually have a lot of spiritual and uplifting stuff that happened. It's not garbage. At District meeting, our new district leader Elder Caveness gave an amazing instruction on charity. Ya it's the pure love of Christ and all, but it was so much deeper. He truly loves these people here in Ghana more than I can imagine, the love he has is even contagious and makes me want to love the people even more. I could definitely tell as I went around this week, I loved the people so much more and it makes the work so much sweeter! I love the people so much! All you have to do is talk to them, way better than the people in America. Everyone is so loving!! 

We carried up buckets of water up a hill for an investigator family and it was a workout! Holy cow I was tired, my shoulders were sore and I spilled a 'lil cause i was carrying it on my head. But I enjoyed it! i Also got pretty sick on the day before Thanksgiving and had to ask for a blessing from my companion. I really do love that guy and all the fun that we are having. Don't worry, we are getting our work done as well but I just enjoy it so much more! And yes the blessing helped a lot, we were able to get a full day of proselyting done easily, after butchering our Thanksgiving chicken. But thats for later.

His super sweet mother also sent us a 25 days of Christmas book, and we read one story everyday in December up until Christmas! I love it! It's getting that sweet Christmas spirit going strong!! I need an idea for a present for my companion. Any ideas?
On a less spiritual note....
We went to the market on Tuesday and bought a live chicken we named Lokko. El pollo de Locco!!!!! 
The guy just tied him up, threw him in a bag, and we carried him home and in a taxi. Pretty sweet. It was all good till we took some pics and he pooped on my shoe.. Dumb chicken. We kept him in a laundry basket with a bucket over the top in a room in our apartment over night. He didnt make any noise, so that was nice. We tied him up and butchered and cleaned him the next morning. That was an adventure. My companion (still thinking the chicken was tied up) threw him outta the basket thinking he would just plop there, and Lokko took off into the bush! In our attempt to help him a random Ghanain guy helped us catch him and plucked off a feather. When i asked what for, he simply said to clean out his ears, with the feather he plucked out. So then we got him ready and had him marinate in Coca Cola All night. The next morning for Thanksgiving we baked him in the oven! It was so good!

I also found some pepsi while i was on splits in Nkanfoa, that was a delicious drink! 
We made some cookies today, oatmeal. They were great! The bottoms kept burning cause the pan would get too hot, so I just flipped the cookies halfway through and it worked! With some coconut milk it was great! 
I got my birthday package! The car was sweet! And I hung up the banner this morning!!
Oh ya, we also had a baptism yesterday! That was pretty sweet! The water was dirty and the baptisimal clothes our investigators had to use were ancient and one size fits all, it was still a sweet bapstism!
The family we carried water for even came to church last Sunday and we are preparing another part member, less active family for December!
Love your son
Elder Darren Hodges


This is the chicken we ate for Thanksgiving.

Serious Elders at the beach.

Cape Coast Ghana
December 9, 2013

Well the birthday was great! We made chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast and pizza for lunch ! Wow, it was crazy delicious!! This week was a lot of fun, super hard cause I was really tired, but I endured. I got to see Maame __________ when I went on splits with the zone leaders this past week. In my first month on mission I went on splits with Elder Brown there and taught this woman the first lesson about the restoration. It was powerful and she started to cry as she felt the spirit. 3 months later, and through that time ; she has dodged the missionaries, lost her husband, taken the lessons and been baptized. WhenI saw her she looked completely different. Her entire countenance had changed and she was glowing. I'm so happy for her and the amazing change that this gospel brings into peoples lives.
 I'm sorry it's so cold in Washington. Its hot here, thats all I'll say about that haha.

Today we went over to the Nkonfoa apartment and made some cookies, then over to the mission home to get haircuts from a senior couple serving in the mission. What a tender mercy! While we were getting haircuts we played futball and football in the yard of the mission home barefooted! It was crabgrass or something, but better than dirt. Sister Shulz took some pics and we went inside to hang out with her and watch a couple videos she took of a river? Check the blog for some pics.

I enjoyed this week a lot. Im loving my companion and all the fun we are having. 
I hope all of you are doing well at home.

Elder Darren Hodges

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

November letters from Darren

3 months
November 11, 2013

Well I have beeen out for a little over three months now and it doesnt feel like it at all. I love this work and really enjoy it, but I think I miss my family more. I'm probably missing home a little cause we have transfers this week and a lot will change. I'm getting a new companion from Utah, Elder Larson. And thats all I know about him. I'm so happy to hear that the family is doing ok.  Mom, something glad I knew before I came on my mission was how to cook and prepare food... and something I wish I knew was that I could've been doing missionary work before I left and I wish I would've been more involved in the work back at home. By the way, how do you cook that spagetti oven recipe stuff? I wanna try it sometime. Uncle Bob's letters were hilarious this week! I loved them so much! Haha you can ask him about them! I really noticed a change in the way I have been eating latley, I eat pinapple for dinner every night just cause it's so dang good!!! This week our branch went to the temple in Accra which is a huge sacrifice, they enjoyed and bore some powerful testimony.
I went on splits with Elder Otieno this week. an elder from Kenya, whos has a best friend serving in the same mission as Jackson, and Jackson had seen his friend just last Sunday! 
Our investigators are doing well, its just hard to get them to church cause its a social and all day commitment, so I will help their testimony grow until they are ready to make that big change.
What day is Thanksgiving?
Also my zone leader Elder Glider is leaving, I really love that guy, hes awesome and I can just relate to him a lot, I really respect him. 
Mom and Dad, I love you so very much and am truly blessed to have such wonderful parents. I am ok, well and safe.
Love your son,
Elder Hodges

November 18, 2013

A lot happened this week! It was pretty crazy. I got my new companion this Wednesday and he is awesome! He is from the great city of Utah! Just came from Tacaradi side of the mission and this is his first time in Cape Coast! Wow, I gonna get fat with this guy, he knows how to cook and we have enjoyed so much! He loves his family, we went through family pictures and it was awesome! He was the first 18 year old in the Cape Coast mission and he's a hard worker. I'm enjoying. 
Our first day out, a miracle happened, the waffle iron came! Oh wow that was good! We had blueberry waffles and I made some monkey bread another day!
Our investigators are doing well, we have two that are preparing for baptism and the members are giving us a lot of help! I really love teaching with Elder Larsen. He has shown me the importance of being our investigators friends before we can be their teachers. I'm learning a lot from him and he loves to have fun while at the same time get the work done. He reminds me a lot of Jimmy.
I love the new change that transfers have brought, the week went by slower but I feel thats a good thing, I feel better now that im getting out of the same old motions. Not much has happened except the new companion and the fact I'm enjoying a lot more. But im sure a lot more will happen this week! 

Hey, my comp likes reeses just as much as I do! I dont know about you, but I trust they would make it here just fine. The chocolate chips weren't even melted.
Well today was sub p day. We woke up and cleaned the apartment and washed our clothes! Then we made a delicous breakfast!! We had blueberry pancakes ( Elder Larsens parents sent him some mix) Toast with jago on it and fried oats with some coconut milk! Oh wow its so good! I'm really enjoying it! 
I cant think of anything crazy that happened this week, this morning we played basketball with the zone and another one, and then frisbee on the beach!!! Wow. the beach was so nice and beautiful!! I took my shoes off and played frisbee in the sand. There was a guy washing himself on the beach with some sand and stuff. And a rasta man ( Bob Marley follower) washing his dog too! Plus there was about 100 people pulling in two huge fish nets that they had sailed out earlier the morning and we watched them bring them in! After that we changed and went to town. We emailed, well... some of us did, then we went out and got some Waakye at a lil shop on the side of the road I really love. It was so good!!! The lady was happy to see 6 bronies come to eat and she was super happy and dashed me some extra food!
Then we went to the Kota Krabba market and got all of our food, like a lot cause we had to resupply because of transfers. 
Then we came back to email... again. whoo!! We found a sweet cafe with AC and fast internet! I'm enjoying.
I felt like a stud this week when I made some deeeelicous monkey bread! i burnt myself.. that glaze is hot! I wanted to lick some to try it... But it was hot..
I got my waffle iron and almost started crying. I was so happy!!!! I love waffles. Thank you dad. I love you!!!! I hope your enjoying your nap. 
Love your son, 
Elder Hodges

PS Let Jimmy know, who the waffle king really is and why. As in, im in Africa cooking waffles over a fire.
Love your son
The Waffle King

Thanksgiving feast!
November 25, 2013
This week has flown by! Elder Larsen and I get along great and the work is progressing. We are honestly getting twice as much work done and I am enjoying it so much! Im a little worried that I'm enjoying it too much! Haha. We have been eating very well and today we had a "District Meeting" along with our zone leaders, the assistants to the presidents and President and sister Shulz! We went over to the Nkonfoa apartment this morning and fried up A LOT of chicken. Along with mash potatoes, CORN! And cookies and brownies and some ice cream! And we mad some pizzas before the President came haha. Wow, I'm stuffed. I'll be honest, I'm getting fat. If a missionary is complaining about not enough food, it's because he can't budget or cook. Either/ or. 
I met the stake patriarch, what a powerful guy! Turns out his son met grandma Karen! Crazy stuff. I'm not sure if I'll skype on christmas yet or the day before. We will see. But I will definitely call on Christmas. So send me your phone number if you wanna call from Africa. PS it wont cost you anything. It'll cost me like 10 bucks for a few hours. 
I got my birthday package yesterday! Sorry, I already opened it but won't enjoy the goodies until December. Thank you so much!!! I love it!
There is not pam here and I have no clue how to use a non stick pan. So, i put some oil in a squirt bottle and used that. We had waffles and pancakes this morning!!!!
Our investigators are doing great! We are actually teaching two families right now, and I truly believe that Elder Larsen and I are going to fix up this area. We have already seen so many miracles. I'm also learning that I need to be a friend to the people before I can be their teacher and I enjoy doing that so much more! I love you all so much! And today im thankful for my grandparents, even the one who is here in Ghana protecting me wherever I go haha. 
Love, Elder Darren Hodges
PS I cant wait to hang up the birthday banner! 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Whole Lotta Soup and Goats/General Conference!

October 28, 2013
A Whole Lotta Soup and Goats

This week was a lot different! Our branch celebrated its one year anniversary. Which was an entire weekend celebration. It was hard to get a lot of proselyting in because we did service all Friday, movie night Friday, and all day Saturday was Mbarima Kwon! Which means man soup. We did a service project in Ola for a guy named Dan Edwudzie. Turns out, he was and is a pioneer member!! He is in the movie we watched Friday called Finding Faith in Ghana. Which is all about how the church came to Ghana and some of the amazing things that happened! We helped build his house, and he was the fourth member in Ghana baptized! The first baptisms also happened at baptism beach, which is in my area. Its such a beautiful place when the tide is high. On Saturday, we woke up at like 4 am to go on a health walk with the men of the branch. We met them a little bit before the chapel and turns out it was a jog. So we jogged in our shirt and tie a couple minutes to the chapel, chanting and stuff with them. It looked good on video haha. Then we all cleaned the church. After that we went back to our area and helped slaughter the goat for the man soup. While still in shirt and tie. Then helped make the soup and participate in the fun! But we left as soon as we could cause we wanted to go to our appointments. This lady that we taught, had seen the missionaries before. She told us this on the second visit. I asked if she had prayed about the church and Joseph Smith. She said yes, because the Elders that were first in that area had asked her to too. So she did... At midnight? But then she had a dream about me and Elder Hansen, who she hadn't met before cause we were on splits the first time I taught her and she dreamed about us laying hands on her. Wow. So now we are working on getting her to church cause she says she has to go to decide if its true. That's what's been going on in Africa! By the way, Janna, that quote is true. Africa is awesome.
Love Elder Darren Hodges

November 3, 2013
General Conference!

This week was a lot of fun! We watched General conference at church yesterday and it was in English! We watched both sessions and it was good! It was hard to listen because I was tired from fasting and I was sitting in the back of the chapel hall. The played it on a 32 inch TV and put a microphone up to it so that we could listen! It was great! During one of the closing songs, the missionaries, 6 of us, ran outside to watch the solar eclipse! It was great! Not as beautiful and amazing as I thought it would be, but it was still cool! Then we went back inside in time to hear the prophet speak! that guy is so awesome!
Last Monday was Combined Branch Family Home Evening. It was a lot of fun to be there! But they made the missionaries sing.. so we sang Called To Serve cause that's just easy. Everyone was happy with our performance! After a lesson we went down to have dinner. It was pot luck... I didn't know they had that kinda dinner here and it was interesting. You have to be careful what you eat here, because the next day you may be sick, as I chose my dinner among the table of different things I felt like Indiana Jones, trying to pick the Holy Grail! I chose wisely. The next morning, I felt like the knight who said, after the Nazi was killed, "He chose poorly." Because the next morning, my companion was in the bathroom for a couple hours. He chose, poorly..
It didn't feel like Halloween here at all. So I bought a bunch of candy off the side of the road to celebrate! that kinda helped. But it was still a great day!
We also made a cake for Elder Otieno and his birthday! it was so good! Then we went on splits that day too! I went with my Zone leader elder Glider in my area. It was great! I loved it so much! The way that we taught invited the spirit a lot. I especially liked talking and really testifying of the atonement. It was so powerful and amazing. I really do love teaching by the spirit cause its how the work gets done and its when I really feel like a missionary!
That's my week here in Ghana! I'll find out tomorrow if I am training or not next transfer and I'm excited to now! It would be sweet to train.

I hope all is still well at home. Love you!
Elder Hodges

Monday, October 21, 2013

A Few Weeks of Darren

I Got Robbed, But I'm OK
September 29, 2013

Well this week flew by! I went on splits with Elder Brown on Tuesday. I learned so much! He taught me I'm only a greeny as long as I say I am. I learned to teach with the spirit which is kinda important and that when we teach with love and the Spirit it's easy and amazing! I love it! 

I did get Randy's letter! That was the best! I get a Dear Elder from Uncle Bob every week haha but Randy's was my first real letter from my home! I loved it so much!!!! By the way is Bob getting my letters? I ate some Fante Kenkey again last night and a meat pie. I don't know exactly what it was but we had fried fish with the kenkey! you just eat it whole..

This kid being brave slapped the back of my head, I took a step towards him and his friends to scare them, they ran away and then tripped! There were 3 kids, the two in the front had backpacks. There bags fell off and tripped the 2nd and third child. They fell flat on the road. I felt horrible! my companion only saw them fall and he just laughed.. Then this lady started yelling at them in Fante haha. I begged forgiveness from her and she said it was the fault of the child or something  like that in fante and tchwee. 

How do I fry onions? 
I love you two so much!! Stay awesome and don't worry! I am okay. I'm a missionary and I am being watched over as if a shield around me made by my guardian angels chosen from my ancestry. Maybe even grandpa Veral. Patriarchal blessing.

Love your son
Elder Hodges

***This is now Joey, Darren's Mom.  Darren's apartment got robbed while they were out the day of this letter that he wrote.  Don't you love the title? And then NO information about being robbed? 

Here is what happened:

While they were out, someone broke into their apartment and took his shoe shine kit, toiletry bag, CD player, camera, backpack and wallet.  

Soon after a girl found his and his companions wallet and got it to the branch president.  We canceled his card and sent the replacement items.  The mission president's wife let Jerry know through FB that they have (that day) already replaced the lock on their apartment with a better one. 

It was a little nerve wracking for Jerry to receive a call from Darren at midnight on the day he wrote--He said he had permission to call and he was ok but that his apartment had been robbed.  They spoke for about 4 minutes.  Darren was mostly shook up over the fact that they took the shoe shine kit, which is the one Jerry took with him on his mission to Venezuela.  But as Jerry told Darren, "It is just stuff.  And I have way too much stuff.  Don't worry about it!" 

Of course the first thing Jerry asked on the phone was, "Did they take your oven?" And the one question I had was, "Did they take your oils?"  Lol.  We are glad he is ok and the stuff has been replaced.  Darren knows there is something to learn from the experience.  And we are glad he is ok!

October 14, 2013
Mom and Dad! 
    Im really ok. I know the stuff is replaceable and I really don't want you to worry! My patriarchal blessing has really been helping me. During all of personal study, I just needed something that said God loves me.. Then boom! It says it a lot in the blessing! haha. I also started using dads pancake recipe with a tablespoon of cocoa! It is the best! with some groundnut paste jago and home made syrup! I'm gonna get fat but I'll get rid of that later. If you can send the ensign general conference talks, just do it when you can. I'll watch it in English or Fante in a few weeks. I'm not sure. And put a family pic on the flash drive!  I can get a member to cut paste and frame them. Its sweet. Its all done from scratch. Ill send a pic when I can... 

"Our heaven is a little more than a projection of our home into eternity."
Elder L. Tom Perry

October 21, 2013

Well, This week flew by! its weird. I was fanning a fire and stirring some banku with the Sabbah family when I realized that it was already Sunday night!! Crazy how time flies on a mission. PEC was of course hilarious. We had to tell the President NOT to announce investigators names over the pulpit! Then they said one time they announced an old lady's name who was investigating, and she stood up, walked to the microphone and bore her testimony!! Haha fun stuff.
It turns out that Ghanains hate snakes. That they are deathly scared of them and everyone nearby will stop what their doing and try to kill it outta fear haha. That's why I've only seen a few snakes. Janna might like it here. 

One sweet thing was, I saw a John Deer Tractor going down the street!! It was still in good shape! It was like an 1800 or something but it made my day! This week we had a combined Zone meeting. Pres. Shulz talked about how sweet the Book of Mormon is and some other sweet stuff about faith and the three witnesses. The whole reason they really changed the missionary teaching program from memorization was because the Missionaries were fallin less active when they got home! So walla, PMG was born. Sister Shulz talked about as we ourselves strive to be more Christlike and come closer to him, we will grow closer to our companion because we are united in the work! 

The cookies were delicious! I took them to the district activity. Everyone got a couple. I'm saving the chocolate chips though! I'm not sure for what. Maybe chocolate chip pancakes or some good cookies. If you do send anything for Christmas, surprise me. Along with some taffy from Leavenworth? its up too you! I honestly already feel like that is asking for a lot. 

Our investigator, Francis is enjoying church! As I am growing closer to the branch, the members are willing to help so much more! I love it. The prophet is right, the work actually works when we get members involved. Its by them that missionary work can be successful. Even here in West Africa. 

We only got our wallets with our cards. Nothing else was there. I hope you are doing well. I really do worry about you and love you a lot!!!

Love, Your son
Elder Darren Hodges

Monday, September 23, 2013

Mi familia

Well everything has been very sweet here! The people are still nice and the weeks fly by! I cant believe its already been a whole transfer almost. The work is good and hard. We had a man who looked very promising not come to church and avoid us that Sunday. It was probably the saddest I've ever felt. Like my heart was weighed down. But that morning I had read about Alma and Nephi in personal study! How they went through the exact same thing and the Lord rejoiced because they were faithful and worked hard! That helped. Then we had a friend bring an old investigator to church! It was a sweet blessing!
My second Sunday here the branch had the primary program! They sang some songs very well. Like crazy well, two groups singing different parts and all that jazz. I thinks that's all they did for like 3 weeks, Practice songs haha. Then they gave the scriptures they HAD to memorize! The branch president would pick up one, out him on the pulpit, he would talk, then set him down and say bye. One kid forgot his line. And instead of getting some loving help they just made him go sit down haha.
This week we ate some good food! I helped pound some good fufu we ate with palmnt, light soup and fish and snail you suck outta the shell. We also ate Kenkey and Waakye. My companion couldn't finish it cause he has a girls stomach so I ate it. It was delish! Plus we couldn't offend the family.
Mom your oils kick butt! I got rid of heat rash, healed my sickness and all that good stuff! They seem to work better in Africa haha. I also had the craziest dejavu! As I was cooking spaghetti for lunch,( I was cause my companion sucks at cooking,) I had it! I remembered a dream I had a few times years ago about the same kitchen! I had dreamed about my mission before I came!! Pretty cool stuff.
When Jimmy was on his mission he said he saw the difference of his family lifestyle and how he was raised. I just thought his family had more fun with activities and stuff. But now I totally get it. Looking at a lot of the elders here I can see how amazing my family is. How strong we are compared to other people. We really have been doing all these great things together and become an eternal family. I love it so much. My patriarchal blessing even talked about what a great family I had and to use it when I have my own. I know really understand and see how strong ours is. I love my family so much and am grateful for them! A mission is a family affair so mine is gonna rock cause I  have such a blessed family.
Give credit to Uncle Bob! I get a dear elder letter from him every week! Its cool to get 3 letters at district meeting!
Love you all so much! Elder Hodges

Monday, September 16, 2013


Mom and dad!
          Things just keep getting better! I forgot to tell dad this earlier but when my first plane took off I looked out the window and lo and behold I saw my family next to the Burbsanator while we took off! i laugh at that every time! 

We haven't had any bugs but now there are a couple big geckos in the house I see a lot. Then there is a very small one that lives in the kitchen window seal. Twice I have had to help him outta the sink cause its too slippery. Then he just goes and sits in the sun haha. 

My Fante is getting better. Twice last night I had to invite a woman to church who didn't speak English. it was super rough but she understood me and was patient with me! The people are super nice! Some of the teenagers are stubborn and try to act cool by being tough around you and showing off. But if I start to walk towards them threateningly they'll kinda run away. Its funny. The lil kids are the best! They are so happy to meet the white guys and are always smiling and uplifting. 
This week I ate banku and some kemkey. As in some vegetable or fruit you dip in the mystery stew. But the food is so good! I just don't ask what it is.

Did you get the letters I mailed yet?

Last week as we were walking away from a lesson that fell through we ran into a woman named Comfort and her baby, Peace. As we walked past her without thinking I asked her name and talked about church. Her uncle is a member and she took a lesson right then! So we skipped lunch and taught her the restoration!  During the lesson I felt she wasn't listening or interested. But I kept pushing forward and doing my best. I asked her how she felt after I described the First Vision. Outta nowhere she described she felt Jesus was there and that the message was true! That's when the spirit slapped me in the face! I now understand that we can't really see what's happening and that we need to endure to the end cause we don't know everything. I've been working on that this week.
I was homesick for a couple days. Good memories came up and I missed the happiness that was there and wanted to be in those moments and not on a mission instead. But then my trainer told me something, home will be there when I get back! Also, Pres. Thomas Monson wrote in the last General Conference, thank you for that magazine momma, that even though we are oceans apart, our hearts are one. A mission is a family affair and I have the strongest and best family ever!!!  
I love you all so much! 

Your son, Elder Hodges

Add this to the list?
Dads famous spaghetti sauce recipe. We cook it then put it in the fridge for lunch everyday.
BBQ Sauce recipe. It takes looking but we have all that stuff here dad.
The caramel recipe for monkey bread! gotta eat it every Christmas

Monday, September 9, 2013


Etesen means How are you?
Haha mom I got your ginormous letter it was so awesome! I'm so sorry about the football game. I know its a tuff one to play and even tougher to lose. It's one of my favorite games of the season and you have to play it when the team is at their worst.  I know that it will be a lesson and if they let it, the team will only grow stronger from it. I really love that team and everyone on it.

I got your package!!! It took 3 weeks but it was awesome! You cant get Swedish fish here. I ate the sour patch kids during church cause we had lessons all through lunch in the morning and church at 2. I felt like a little kid haha. I am so glad Sister Shulz told you about the brownies! I'm gonna make some more tonight to celebrate my month mark and I found some bar b q sauce! Whoo hoo! 

My companion was sick. had a cold and almost gave it to me but the oils saved me from a week of suffering! Thank you so much!!!! So much happened this week it is a lot of fun! It's hard to get investigators to church and that is the problem we are trying to fix right now. 

 There's a magic trick Pete was talking about where you pull off your finger. Now families believe I can really pull it off. cause I got it cut off as a child and the doctors fixed it! I'm not sure how haha but they believe the white man can do stuff like that cause we are so smart. It's really funny cause the rumors are spreading around the village! haha.
This is my Missionary Experience of the Month
   One day we came to our apartment around nine. As I went into the kitchen to start dinner I noticed something crazy. The were black soldier ants crawling out of the outlet above the stove! We checked the rest of the apartment to find they were coming out 3 more in the back rooms! We looked outside and there were 8 huge lines crawling up and down the wall on the back outside of our apartment! 

I read my patriarchal blessing a couple nights ago. Just the part of my mission cause I wasn't doing so well. I was focused on eating or just getting the day done so we could go home and sleep! So I went and read that short part of my blessing. It told me to do 2 things. Be diligent and obedient! Obedience was easy for me. But that day and since I have worked on being diligent and enduring! The days have been so much better and I love it!
I love you both so very much. I miss you and pray for you everyday.
Love your son
Elder Hodges

PS I need some help. An easy cake recipe and frosting. but there is no cream cheese here. Is there casava and plantaine in america\quincy? And next time you send a package send chocolate chips. It's expensive here. Chocolate is. Don't go crazy and send me this package right away. Just next time you do cause I don't want to get spoiled.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Darren First Letters from the MTC & First Area

September 1, 2013

Check out his sweet shirt!
I met this guy walking up a hill. He didn't speak English. Just a little Fante and he let me take a picture with him!

 *Darren did NOT give him the shirt, he saw the guy wearing the shirt and asked if he could get a picture with him!!!

Mom and Papa
         Things are still great here! I saw Gary's niece play the violin a few times while she was practicing in the MTC! If I would've known the relationship I would've talked to her! but I didn't at all those two weeks. Oh well.
 Last night we had Fast Sunday and it was hard! We didn't eat till 8 but the sandwiches were so good! and I busted out a can of root beer. Yes. I found root beer here but its only for special occasions cause it's expensive! Then we made brownies! Sooo good!  When manna fell from heaven, Moses commanded the children of Israel to eat all of it! Haha and yes I started the Old Testament on my free time before bed last week! I'm on page 200. Be impressed. It's a hard read right now cause of all the weird sacrifice commandments.
Dad was right. American pineapple sucks. This white pineapple is only closely described as the fruit from the tree of life! It's soooo gooood! I love it!
 My first day the zone leaders put me and another MT on the wrong tro tro. We were suppose to stay in Cape Coast but ended up in Takaradi. So after 6 hours of a pointless small mini bus ride I made it to my destination! You see some weird stuff here and I write down one every day! Here's a few:  A white guy. My haircut. It's supa short. And a kid cried out of fear cause I was the first white guy she had seen. This happened twice yesterday! Other than that all I gotta say is fufu is the best thing I have ever eaten! The best. Its like a ball of dough. You cut out a piece with your finger dip it in the soup and swallow it whole! No chewing cause its dough. Casava and plantain beaten into dough. It's deeelish! Look it up!
Everyday I am here my respect and love for the two of you grows. I should of listened to you more and hung on every word. Dad you know exactly what I'm doing and going through. That gives me a lot of courage and strength and you were right about every tip you gave me! I love you two so much and think about how awesome you are everyday!
Need some help:
Need easy cookie recipes. Oatmeal too.
That brownie recipe on the back of the cocoa powder can.
Pork chop recipe on how to cook it! Found a guy retired here from Denmark named
Tony. If  I can do it I will buy a pack of 6 pounds from him. And need a BBQ sauce recipe.
Cookie pan recipe from auntie Sandra!
Mom send that sacrament story again I lost it.
August 26, 2013

This is so sweet! The weather isn't agonizing but it is still super hot! The nights are only about 80 so it gets cold that I can't use my fan and I gotta pull up my sheet. There are some crazy things here but it already feels like home.

My companion is Elder Hansen. He is from Utah. It is his first training time and he is doing well!  The work is hard. We walk everywhere! but its nice and keeps me in shape. I have a letter coming about the food. Something I ate in the street was a ball float. Fried dough. I'm looking for more cause it was so good!  We are here in the Cape Coast Green Hill area. By the beach. It literally is a green hill. and I am always exhausted when I get home! But I have already witnessed blessings while I'm here. We taught a man named Charles in a wheel chair and he is on track to be baptized. But I think he is just a lil lonely and needs someone. It's hard cause he tries to teach us sometime. The miracles came when his son wanted to be taught and the spirit was strong! We teach Jim again Saturday and have already invited him to be baptized. Then we taught a woman about repentance. I bore my testimony the best I could and I almost teared up. The pic of Ghana that Misty's friend gave you... that's exactly how it is here. Pretty sweet.

Story time. This rivals dads first Sunday. I bore my testimony in sacrament, I talked slow so they understood me. But towards the end of sacrament a young man grabbed my companion and I and took us downsatairs to the entrance. A man, about a head taller than me wearing robes and a red top hat was asking for what sounded like a memo. Confused I kept asking and finally figured he wanted a Book of Mormon. He was being very rude and from the moment he made a racist comment,  I decided he couldn't stay in the Lord's house. Not saying I'm mad he was talking about me but he said that the black bretheren were lucky to have 2 white guys to lead their church. Finally to make it worse, he tried to make jokes to my companion and I dancing and talking about Michael Jackson. I had enough, just before I said something, he dropped the f bomb a half dozen times. So I stepped up and got in his face, as close as I could cause I'm short, and told him this is the Lord's house and he had to leave! So he left.
 The weirdest thing i saw this week was probably, pigs, just running around on the beach while kids were playing, and I saw 2 white people. That was really weird.

I love you both so much and thank you for letting me be here!
 Love love your son, Elder Hodges

August 17, 2013

   The temple was amazing! Everything was so beautiful in a way the was more naturaul and deeper. I loved it so much! My instructor just blew my mind so it was a little emotional too. But i am doing great! I can't wait to get out of the MTC Wednesday morning so I can move onto the mission and really lose myself in the work. I'm excited for the time to fly but I realize I will not want it to end when the time comes. It's better than having a slow miserable two years. So it's obvious having a great time that flies by is great cause I'll get home sooner too! It's not the best way to think but I just say its a blessing for being a good missionary.

The sick elder looked likes death the last time i saw him. But he smiled haha which helps me know hes gonna be alright. I take malaria pills everyday and they hurt your stomach every other day. And yes. everything made it through costums. Hahaha I can't wait to leave but I'm also a little anxious for the mission. or at least I was yesterday.

I cant begin to say how much I love and miss you guys. I know I'll only be gone for a short while but it still isn't easy.
Love you, Elder Hodges

August 13, 2013

  I love it here so much!!! My companion is Elder Irem (e-rum) from Nigeria. He left everything to come on a mission and is getting his endowments today at the Accra Ghana Temple! He is a hard worker and will be serving his mission in his own country. I can tell he misses his family but is not really homesick like all of the American elders. The are about 50 elders and 10 sisters in the MTC. One American sister and 30 African elders. the rest are American.

My last American meal was a double bacon cheeseburger I had at the new yourk airport. One of the best. Good thing cause they had some wierd Ghanain food on the plane. I still dont know what most of the food I eat here is. but mixed with my malaria pills it does not sit well in my stomach. There is always rice and fruit, usually some beans, then as always... the mystery meat of the day. It never dissapoints. But yesterday, as a true blessing from God, we had spagetti!!!!! It still wasnt exactly American but it was the first time I could actually finish my food without my stomach hurting all day!
It's very hot here. 80 or 90 all day and it feels like its just warmer at night. But i love it so much! One morning i found a small lizard on the wall! I was excited! But then my companion killed it the moment I showed him.

One elder some got a bunch of mosquito bites or something weird the same day he didn't take his malaria pills. We are all waiting to see if he dies. But he's been looking pretty good!  It's so crazy, the red headed girl that use to babysit me when I was young, I still remember, is in his stake and heard I was serving a mission in Ghana Cape coast with hime and told him to find me! It was pretty cool.

The work here is not to easy but it's good! It's just hard to not miss home, especially my family! But I discovered something wonderful last night as i was reading my missionary prep book! It said to live each day like its your last, and so far today has been the best ever! I feel the spirit running through me so much easier and freely.

Plus my accent is coming! its just a lil difference but it's awesome. The first day I couldn't understand my companion but honestly I said a prayer to help and the next day I could understand everyone! Except the french, but I dont care to understand that language. 

Yesterday we also got to go outside! What a monster blessing! We couldn't go for a couple days because the malaria pills had to kick in. Haha we played basketball and only one American elder is actually good! So of course, me and two other African brothas who hadnt played before dominated 3 on 3. The only problem was the bAfrican sisters. They would ride their bikes through the court while they are trying to learn how to ride! So imagine black and white guys trying to play basketball while girls wobbling on bikes go through the court. They are a good distraction.

When I was in the Minnesota airport wating for my flight to New York the terminal next to me was asking people to buy or exchange tickets cause there plane wasn't full. and yes, it was headed to Louisville Kentucky! If I was on my way home from the mission, and Janna was still on hers, then yes, I would've done that.
Well I love all of you and care for you very much!
Elder Hodges

August 9, 2013
I made it here to the MTC! This is so awesome! I love it! The flight from New York to Accra was long but I sat next to  a man who hadn't been home there in 17 years. He cried when we landed. The airline food was even Ghanain! Im not sure what I ate but it wasn't bad! I dont have much time to type. Just to say im here and loving it. I wish you the best.
Love Elder Hodges
PS Ghana is better than Kentucky and corn is growing on the side of the highway 13 feet tall.