I Got Robbed, But I'm OK
September 29, 2013
Well this week flew by! I went on splits with Elder Brown on Tuesday. I learned so much! He taught me I'm only a greeny as long as I say I am. I learned to teach with the spirit which is kinda important and that when we teach with love and the Spirit it's easy and amazing! I love it!
I did get Randy's letter! That was the best! I get a Dear Elder from Uncle Bob every week haha but Randy's was my first real letter from my home! I loved it so much!!!! By the way is Bob getting my letters? I ate some Fante Kenkey again last night and a meat pie. I don't know exactly what it was but we had fried fish with the kenkey! you just eat it whole..
***This is now Joey, Darren's Mom. Darren's apartment got robbed while they were out the day of this letter that he wrote. Don't you love the title? And then NO information about being robbed?
Here is what happened:
While they were out, someone broke into their apartment and took his shoe shine kit, toiletry bag, CD player, camera, backpack and wallet.
Soon after a girl found his and his companions wallet and got it to the branch president. We canceled his card and sent the replacement items. The mission president's wife let Jerry know through FB that they have (that day) already replaced the lock on their apartment with a better one.
It was a little nerve wracking for Jerry to receive a call from Darren at midnight on the day he wrote--He said he had permission to call and he was ok but that his apartment had been robbed. They spoke for about 4 minutes. Darren was mostly shook up over the fact that they took the shoe shine kit, which is the one Jerry took with him on his mission to Venezuela. But as Jerry told Darren, "It is just stuff. And I have way too much stuff. Don't worry about it!"
Of course the first thing Jerry asked on the phone was, "Did they take your oven?" And the one question I had was, "Did they take your oils?" Lol. We are glad he is ok and the stuff has been replaced. Darren knows there is something to learn from the experience. And we are glad he is ok!
October 14, 2013
Mom and Dad!Im really ok. I know the stuff is replaceable and I really don't want you to worry! My patriarchal blessing has really been helping me. During all of personal study, I just needed something that said God loves me.. Then boom! It says it a lot in the blessing! haha. I also started using dads pancake recipe with a tablespoon of cocoa! It is the best! with some groundnut paste jago and home made syrup! I'm gonna get fat but I'll get rid of that later. If you can send the ensign general conference talks, just do it when you can. I'll watch it in English or Fante in a few weeks. I'm not sure. And put a family pic on the flash drive! I can get a member to cut paste and frame them. Its sweet. Its all done from scratch. Ill send a pic when I can...
"Our heaven is a little more than a projection of our home into eternity."
Elder L. Tom Perry
Well, This week flew by! its weird. I was fanning a fire and stirring some banku with the Sabbah family when I realized that it was already Sunday night!! Crazy how time flies on a mission. PEC was of course hilarious. We had to tell the President NOT to announce investigators names over the pulpit! Then they said one time they announced an old lady's name who was investigating, and she stood up, walked to the microphone and bore her testimony!! Haha fun stuff.
It turns out that Ghanains hate snakes. That they are deathly scared of them and everyone nearby will stop what their doing and try to kill it outta fear haha. That's why I've only seen a few snakes. Janna might like it here.
One sweet thing was, I saw a John Deer Tractor going down the street!! It was still in good shape! It was like an 1800 or something but it made my day! This week we had a combined Zone meeting. Pres. Shulz talked about how sweet the Book of Mormon is and some other sweet stuff about faith and the three witnesses. The whole reason they really changed the missionary teaching program from memorization was because the Missionaries were fallin less active when they got home! So walla, PMG was born. Sister Shulz talked about as we ourselves strive to be more Christlike and come closer to him, we will grow closer to our companion because we are united in the work!
The cookies were delicious! I took them to the district activity. Everyone got a couple. I'm saving the chocolate chips though! I'm not sure for what. Maybe chocolate chip pancakes or some good cookies. If you do send anything for Christmas, surprise me. Along with some taffy from Leavenworth? its up too you! I honestly already feel like that is asking for a lot.
Our investigator, Francis is enjoying church! As I am growing closer to the branch, the members are willing to help so much more! I love it. The prophet is right, the work actually works when we get members involved. Its by them that missionary work can be successful. Even here in West Africa.