Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 3, 2014

Hey! Sorry I wont be able to write back to everyone. The internet café is really slow. But this week has been super sweet! We have been teaching a guy named George. He's been coming to church for a few weeks now and he is doing great! Yesterday during fast Sunday, he got up and bore his testimony! Oh it was so sweet! We taught him about baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost... as we were explaining how the spirit communicates with us, he started crying, somehow out of nowhere. It was really powerful and he had to take a moment while we just kinda sat there and waited for him to figure out what he was feeling. He loves the church a lot and is doing great!
We have another investigator named Michael. He is old and has a drinking problem. He just cant eat without drinking a 'lil bit of alcohol first. So we taught him the word of wisdom and we are helping him get off the alcohol. He is a really sweet guy, he was honest about his problem and really wants to quit but he isn't sure if he can. But I know he can.
I got your pictures and my license! I got them a week ago and thought I already told you. I haven't got my camera yet. I'll see if its at the mission home yet. Sister Shulz also said that they were gonna add the oven into the letter to the missionaries coming out. So... dad changed the mission forever.
It was really sweet to have Pres. Shulz and his wife at sacrament meeting yesterday. They bore really simple, but powerful testimony. The spirit was super strong that Sunday, and just about everyone bore their testimony! There was only one time for a few minutes when no one got up to bare their  testimony.
I'm really sorry the camera isn't here yet. Ill call the office and see if it is there. I really feel bad not being able to send you a picture.
I had fresh cocoa for the first time! Its so good! you cut it open and the inside is white! You just suck on it and spit the seeds out! It was so good! I love all the people who farm here. Even though a farm is just a big garden here, its a lot of fun to go out and help them and learn how every thing grows here. Like how to plant cassava, pineapple... and banana trees!
I ate about 9 bananas one day.. they are so good and cheap!

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