Monday, July 21, 2014

July 14!

Well, it's July 14 and another week here in Ghana has just flown right by. Our mission finally switched from writing President letters to the mission president from paper to online. It's so much better and faster! Well.. as long as the internet is doing good. 
Last week we went over to the Moree apartment for elder Larsen's birthday! Crazy that guy is now 20. But we enjoyed, popped a bottle of sparkling cider I bought at a random gas station and made a cake haha. 
I learned how to dance azonto with an investigators family the other day! It's some weird african dance that we all do here. So shake that off cause kids here can dance better than professional back at home!! Plus they are black which just makes sense. 
That family has been doing very well, the mother loves us but the father is a preist in some other church. Called the apostolic church. So honestly he will decide what the family does in the end. Hopefully he will just do the simple things we ask him to like pray and read the book of Mormon. It's so easy but it makes all the difference in the end. 
We did a service project in Mankessiem the other day this week! I forgot my gloves... so we dug a foundation for a new room for a school. The ground here is super hard and you have to use a pick ax to dig. So by the end of it all my hands were covered in blisters and it hurt to do anything at all for about a day. but, I wont forget my gloves again. But I love doing service so much. It wasn't too hot that day either!!
We've been working hard as always but one day all our appointments fell through and we just were not sure what to do. So we went to teach a members grandmother! She just wanted to know which church was true so we taught the restoration to her and she loved it! So after that lesson we were just waiting for the grand daughter to come home from fetching water. So we went and played football with a bunch of random kids in an alley! My team won, but Elder Tobler won't admit it. But it was so much fun! We went back to the grandmothers to teach again and she looks at us and goes "ah! why are you sweating?!" so we told her why and she just started laughing! 
This week was just sweet. Teddy came to church this Sunday along with some other men that we have been teaching. he is just making sure that he understands everything we are teaching him before he joins the church. He had a bad experience with pentacost in the past that has really scarred his whole life. But now he is so much better and actually happy! that guy is sweet.
I'm loving ghana still and missing you people! LOve you!!!!
Elder Darren Hodges

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