Sunday, July 27, 2014

No Transfers!

July 21, 2014

This week flew by pretty fast. I can't believe July will be over soon. But this week I was very nervous and just wanted to know if I was going to go to a new area or stay. Turns out I'm gonna stay! I love this area so much!!!  We gave one of our investigators  an Ensign (church magazine) this week and he has been loving it!!! While we were teaching Teddy this week he was eating a clove of garlic... no joke its was gross. it burns his fat haha. By the looks of him... its not working too hot. 
Elder Larsen came over to have splits with the other elders in the apartment and he was sunburnt! Turns out he went to do a service project for some guys who weld security bars here! He was wearing shorts and they gave him sunglasses for his eyes! It was hilarious! His legs and face are so burnt and now he has a nice sunglasses tanline from it! poor Utah boy. its not easy to be white here. 
We went to the mission home to play some football on the grass and have breakfast! It's defiantly a bonus to have the assistants in your zone! 
We talked to the group this week about doing member missionary work and getting all of them to just talk to one person this week about the church or even inviting them to meet the missionaries. We will see how it goes. I love these members so much!
We gave Forester a Preach my Gospel a week after his bapstism and he is reading through all the lessons and the whole thing!! it was sweet to teach him about temples and eternal marriage. His friend Kweku was there for the lesson and he has 3 kids but his wife passed away. He is a super sweet guy too it's just been difficult to get work all together. Right now he doesn't have a job, he is just helping Forester so he gets some chop money. But he was asking questions about the temple. We have been trying to teach him but he just doesn't want it right now. But he has a Book of Mormon and is reading it! Small small we will keep working with him.
Loving Ghana still!!! 
Love all you as well
 Love Elder Hodges

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