Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Bananas Rice and Toast

There's a bug that has been going around here that a lot of missionaries have been getting lately. First Elder Gqweta and Elder Harlting, then some other elders out in Axim. I got it this last week and it sucked. There really wasn't any medicine to help it but the doctor put me on a diet of plain rice, bananas, and toast. And apples, but there aren't really a whole lot of apples here. I still regret how much I took apples for granted. They are so good! I've only had  about 3 or 4 the past year. But all in all I felt a lot better by Saturday so Elder Richards and I mad some waffles! We used a waffle iron I got sent for Christmas that you just put over the fire. It's so sweet! So we had some waffles Sunday morning, I get elder Richards to go running with me every morning by bribing him with waffles! He loves em!
Elder Larsen came to Takoradi the other day and stopped by to see me! But we were still out proselyting and teaching so I didnt get to see him. He has  been begging sister Taylor to make him some of her banana cake! It's so good! She finally told him to come pick some up, then when he got there she told him to deliver it to me! Haha she is so awsome!!! And I'm grateful Elder Larsen didn't just eat it.
We started teaching a young man named Aaron. He is super sweet and has been prepared by The Lord so much! As we were talking to him the first time we got to see him, he talked about how his father, who was some spiritual herbalist, had a bunch of books from the church including the Book of Mormon! His father passed away a couple years ago, and Aaron had to stop going to school and make money to provide for his family, as they went through his fathers stuff, who he really looked up too, he found the Book of Mormon, and kept it. Then later Isaac, a member moved to Assakae and became really close friends with him. Then, Isaac joined the church later and Aaron saw the huge change it had in his life and wanted to do the same! It was pretty sweet!!
It's getting hotter here with the dry season but I'm enjoying it a lot and Ghana is sweet.
I'm just really tired cause we have been working hard and at the same time trying to get better from the sickness that's been going around. But it's all worth it!
Love Elder Hodges
The main road in Assakae

The "queen Mother" and her funeral parade. With a cow?
Assakae town.

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