Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October 6, 2014

We had a lot of work to do last week so it was pretty crazy and tiring. Bridgette was confirmed a member in church this Sunday which was sweet, and she has bee enjoying a lot! She keeps telling me how happy she is but she cant really explain why, it's so awesome! Like the other day she greeted someone that she had argued with, then she greeted back, and she just said it made her so happy!... it doesn't make sense how that made her so happy, but its really just cause she was baptized and enjoying now!!! It's so sweet!
Sunday we showed up at church and a woman that I have never met asked me to give her a blessing... so as I gave her a blessing everything just kinda flowed and she cried and said I told her exactly what she needed to hear! It was just one of those moments where you feel like your doing the right thing. A lot of the time, it's really hard to live up to what everyone expects of you. As in being a perfect, powerful missionary! And it's not easy, but it's moments like that where you know that your doing good and The Lord is proud of you.
We played volleyball this morn with a bunch of members at the chapel and then some football as well! It was a lot of fun!
Not to much happened this week except a lot of work and fun! Gotta love ghana!
Love y'all
Elder Hodges

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