Friday, February 13, 2015

December 22, 2014 -February 10, 2015

February 10, 2015

Sorry. We didn't have power yesterday so I could email only small. The internet was slow too for the small time that it was on. The power here has been really bad. We are on a schedule where we have power for 12 hours, and then it is switched back off for 24 hours. so we have light about every 3 days and every 3 nights. Fun stuff! But the Lord has blessed us and I'm happy!
Everything is great and well. This week was a week that consisted of 7 days and it was a good 7 days. Nothing too new or out of the ordinary. It is still normal missionary work here. 
Trainers will be called today and transfer news is on Saturday! I think I will go. I have been here for 6 months and it just feels like it is time for some change. 
So I will let you know what is happening next Monday.
I hope everyone at home is doing well and enjoying life.
This week I went on exchanges with Elder Miskin. It was the best day out of the whole week. He does missionary work the way I feel it is suppose to be done. He doesn't run from appointment to appointment. He is sincere in everything he does and everyone he talks too. It is all about the people to him, not about the numbers we write in our planners at the end of the day. People, not numbers. It was just a good day! It kinda reminded me how the work is suppose to be done. 
It is getting hot paaa!!! So hot!!! I have to put on sunscreen every day... 
We played volleyball yesterday for sub p day. My team of 5 went undefeated!
Love ya!!!

Blind-folded some kids to teach them to follow the holy ghost

Combined zone meeting

Exchanges with Meleni

February 2, 2015
Boko Nyamenadum

Dear Family.
I'm sad the Seahawks lost. I got the news this morning and it sucks... but we will win it next year. 
President Stevenson came down for interviews this week and instructions on how to be good missionaries. It was combined with 2 districts so it was my district and Sekondi District. Elder Larsen and Gqweta were there, and the Julanders and the zone leaders. It was a good meeting. Elder Barlow instructed on planning and then I instructed on obedience and why we need to be obedient. It went from getting the desired blessings we want when we get home, we need to be obedient, to get all the blessings from our patriarchal blessing. Elder Scott explained it in the Feb. 2014 Liahona, that when we are obedient we grow in strong character to face the tests that come to test our faith and then as that character grows we have a larger capacity to exercise our faith. Obedience is an act of faith. It's like positive feedback in science where it all just keeps growing. The only thing to stop the cycle is acts of disobedience which just bring it the other way. It was really sweet. 
It was so good to just sit and visit with Larsen and Gqweta afterwards too. My interview was really short. So was everyone's. Larsen is doing great. He goes home in May I think and will go to school at UVU and Gqweta just applied to BYU Idaho!!!! Whooo!! I hope he goes! The plan is to go to Idaho then transfer to Provo as fast as I can. Then go from there. Room with Larsen when I go cause it went great the first time we did! But I wont worry about that right now. 
The transfer is going fast. It is now week 5 and there are just 2 more to go.
We confirmed William, Abigail and Ajoa on Sunday! It was really sweet and a good fast Sunday! we have been fasting for Aaron's brother. He can't talk and he wants us to give him a blessing so we are fasting and praying before we give him the blessing.
Last night Elder Iwuji had me write a couple letters for some girls.. he can't really write so I was the scribe. It was normal until he started talking about taking her to the temple and getting married!! I was like, whoaaa! It was pretty fun. Nigerien love letters are something else. 
I love ghana so much. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now, I'm praying for ya and I love you!!!!
Elder Darren Hodges

Janaury 26, 2015 

This week was a great week! We had 3 baptisms at the stake center and it was a great service! The church is true paa! It was a very normal week besides that. A lot of work, and the week just flew by. I cant believe how time is flying by here. I will have 6 months left after this transfer. I'm not a dying missionary, don't worry, I don't have cancer or anything. (Missionary terms for not ending strong.)
 At church on Sunday I was thinking a lot about what I'll instruct on this week and next week. President will come for interviews and I'll be instructing for a little bite. I'm gonna talk about obedience.
Elders think they can be disobedient and still be blessed with the perfect life when thousands of other people are working towards the same thing. It should be sweet.
SundayI  was reading Presidents Benson's biography. It made me cry when I read they sold their farm just so they could pay for their fathers mission. I can't imagine having to sacrifice so much. I finally understood what elder Vincent said to me. He said he loved God more than his wife, I thought that was weird. But then I realized that you can love God and your family, just in different ways. He loved God more, that's why he left his family to go and serve a mission. You can't serve God and Mammon, but you can love God and your family at the same time. 
Elder Dube is coming for a mission tour in march! Should be sweet!
Go Seahwaks! Love you!

January 19, 2015

Sister Hamilton's House

January 12, 2015

Its Hamaton season here in Ghana. I don't know if that is how you spell it. But its from January through February. Its when there are a lot of sand storms in the Sahara Desert, and all the sand and dust from it floats all the way down to Ghana! So it looks and feels like it is foggy everywhere, when really its just dust. It's so dry.
 This was the first normal week we have had since the end of December. It's been a lot of fun and work. This morning we cleaned and played football as a zone then went into town to shop. 
 When we went around this week, we took a DVD player with us to Kate's to watch the Restoration with her, and it ran out of battery after about one minute. And the power was out, but jokingly I said it would come back right now....And it did! Pretty sweet! 
Two Elder in our apartment were transferred out and we got two new elders this week. It's different but the change is pretty nice. 
Love and miss you all!
Elder Hodges

Elder Cole broke the banku stick


January 5, 2015

New Years was a bigger party than Christmas! Everyone was launching fireworks and enjoying paa! We went to our land lady's house in Chapel Hill for lunch. She stays at this HUGE house on the beach and works for the oil company with her husband there. It was crazy! Saw some weird fish that walk around on the beach too when we went to see and island just off the coast. 
That night we went back to the family from Ivory Coast and got fed. They gave us some lamb and chicken with our rice. My comp didn't eat it but I did. It got me super sick. That night I was having nightmares about people feeding us and then at three am it came back up. 
I felt a lot better after that. That day I went on splits with Elder Uklaegbu in my area. It was a sweet day, we went to the branch Presidents to teach Kate. They fed us... So Elder Ukaegbu ate the whole pot of rice and chicken for us :)
On Sunday we went for church and it was fast and testimony meeting. Kate and Ishmeal were confirmed, they both bore their testimonies, and so did Aaron! It was sweet to see them all do that!
When Ishmeal got up to bare his testimony, he stood up and asked everyone to sing hymn 270, and brother Kaitoo, our first counselor was so excited, "Yes, yes lets sing a hymn!!!!" so we sang it then he bore is testimony! It was a fast week and a fast transfer. Two Elders in our apartment are getting transferred away. so things will change but im excited to be with Elder Cole for another 6 weeks. we are gonna keep enjoying Assakae.


December 29, 2014


 This Christmas was a blast! It has been going on for about a week now and should last up until the new year!
Ishmeal and Kathrene were baptized yesterday after church!! It was probably the best baptism ever and two of my favorite people to be with and just to see the gospel bless their lives so much! Ishmeal is so big and buff! 
We went to an Ivorian family's house for lunch on Christmas and it was so good! No one spoke English though so it was hard to talk to them. But it was a lot of fun! One of them is a member for Ivory Coast and is staying with her boss here in Ghana who is also form there. That's how we got set up with a lunch there. then they invited us for new years as well! 
It was so nice to talk to and see my family!!! paa!! i even got to see Jerry Welch and we said a family prayer! Ask my parents how that went.
We went around this Christmas and sang for the members and investigators. it was weird at first but you could feel the Christmas spirit and I really enjoyed serving others this Christmas. I really feel that is what Christmas is all about. Thinking of others before you think of yourself.
Merry Christmas!!!!
Love you!

Ishmeal and Kathrene

With Elder Larsen

December 25, 2014
Talking to Darren via Skype on Christmas day was so awesome!
You will LOVE his accent. :)

December 22, 2014

December 15, 2014
We got some great pictures this week.  No words.  Just photos. 

Elder Hodges with Enita


Elder Hodges and Stephen

Aaron's baptism

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